Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer If I’m Submitting a Claim To Insurance in Texas?

Were you injured in a car accident, slip and fall, or other personal injury incident in Texas? If so, you may be confused about what to do next so that your medical bills, property repairs, and other losses can be handled. 

Insurance adjusters deal with personal injury claims every day, so there is a distinct difference in the knowledge and experience between the parties. Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer can help eliminate this disparity. 

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help With an Insurance Claim

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help With an Insurance Claim

You might think, at first, that it is not difficult to file an insurance claim. However, there is a lot that goes into this process. 

Personal injury lawyers are familiar with the process and can capably handle your insurance claim by:

  • Investigating your accident to identify all parties who are at fault for your injuries
  • Reviewing all insurance policies that apply to your case
  • Gathering evidence to prove the insured’s liability for the accident
  • Documenting the full extent of your damages
  • Protecting you from claims that the accident was your fault
  • Preparing a demand letter that presents your case for why the insured is responsible for the accident and the amount of compensation you agree to resolve your claim for
  • Negotiating for maximum compensation

Because most personal injury lawyers offer a free, no-obligation case review, you can consult an attorney after an accident with no risk to you. This can give you a better idea about the process ahead and whether you will likely need a lawyer. You can get more information about your legal options for seeking financial compensation for your claim from a trusted legal source.  

When You Might Be Able To Submit Your Claim On Your Own

There are some situations when you might be able to submit your own claim, or you may not need a personal injury lawyer, such as:

  • You were not injured – If you only have minor repairs to deal with, you might be able to handle your own claim.
  • You have not incurred substantial financial losses – Likewise, if you have not missed time from work and only have minimal property damage, you might be able to handle your insurance claim.
  • You have significant experience in personal injury and insurance law – If you are an expert in personal injury and insurance law, you may be capable of handling your claim. 

Even if you decide to submit your claim on your own, you should keep in mind that the insurance adjuster is not your friend. They do not want to maximize your claim. Their job is to save the insurance company as much money as possible by denying claims when possible and minimizing the value of others. 

This is the case even if you are filing a claim with your own insurance provider, such as under your collision or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. 

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer To Submit My Insurance Claim?

While you have the right to handle your own insurance claim and are not legally required to hire a lawyer, some situations indicate that you need legal representation, including:

You Were Injured 

If you suffered an injury in the accident, you might want to consider hiring a lawyer. Even a seemingly minor injury can result in complications. 

You could be owed compensation for:

  • Current and past medical bills
  • Anticipated future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Reductions in long-term earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life

An experienced lawyer can help document and demand compensation for all of your losses. 

You Suffered Permanent Disabilities 

You should definitely hire a personal injury lawyer if you suffered a permanent disability, such as a traumatic brain injury, paralysis, amputation, or catastrophic injury. 

Liability Is in Question 

The at-fault party or their insurers may try to blame you for the accident. Or, they could try to blame another party in the hope they can shift liability to someone else. 

An experienced personal injury lawyer can investigate the case, handle communications with the insurance company, and prevent you from making mistakes in your claim that could cost you the compensation you need for your injuries. 

The Insurance Company Issued a Blanket Denial

If the insurance company has issued a blanket denial for your claim, did not explain why your claim was denied, or cites policy language that does not exist to justify a denial, you might be dealing with insurance bad faith practices. An experienced personal injury attorney can handle your claim on your behalf and ensure that you are treated fairly. 

The Statute of Limitations Expiration Is Approaching 

The statute of limitations is the time limit by which you must file a personal injury lawsuit. In Texas, this is generally two years, but there are times when this deadline may be longer or shorter. 

If you do not file your lawsuit within the applicable time period, you can lose your right to seek compensation through the court system. Protect your rights by contacting an experienced Texas personal injury lawyer today.

A Texas Personal Injury Lawyer Can Assist You With Your Insurance Claim 

If you were injured in an accident in Texas, you might be on the fence about hiring a lawyer. However, you don’t need the added hassle of dealing with adjusters who are trying to trick you at every turn to minimize your injuries when you are already dealing with painful injuries. 

Our San Antonio personal injury attorneys can explain your legal rights and options during a free case review. Contact George Salinas Injury Lawyers at (210) 225-0909 to schedule a free consultation.